Lake Loot: 11-30-21

6:40 Q: People shouldn’t toss these after using them because they can be placed in stinky shoes to make them smell better. What are they? A: Tea bags Winner: Kinsley Hardy from Covington! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: These only need two hours of sleep a day. What is it? A: Elephants Winner: Noah Borne from…

Lake Loot: 11-29-21

6:40 Q: Here’s a timely question. Despite all the hoopla half of Americans think THIS is better than THIS! What is it? A: Thanksgiving leftovers are better than the actual meal Winner: No Winner! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: This famous landmark gets half a foot taller in the summer due to the heat. What is…

Lake Loot: November 23,2021

6:40 Q: THIS is the most common time of the year for men over the age of 30 to gain weight. What is it? A: During football season Winner: Chris Martinez from Hammond! 7:10 Q: 1 in 6 drivers have accidentally backed in to THIS. What? A: Their own garage door. Winner: Liz Bailey from…

Lake Loot: November 22, 2021

6:40 and 7:40 Q: We use it all the time now but supposedly this phrase was first seen in a Dallas newspaper in the early 1950’s. What is the phrase? A: Fast Food Winner: Shannon Holley from Covington! 8:40 Q: This was originally written to be a Thanksgiving song . . . not a Christmas…

Lake Loot: November 19, 2021

6:40 Q: It makes sense that doing THIS for 60 minutes each week will make you happier. What is it? A: Singing Winner: Samantha and Molly from Covington! 7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40 Q: Dads now do this more than moms during the school year. What is it? A: Prepare kids lunches Winner: Jennifer Dorian…

Lake Rewind: Mike Cooper, STHS and Ren Fest

Tiffany and Sherling came with Tim today to talk about STHS’s efforts with Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Hear them talk about it in the interview below. President Mike Cooper spoke about the tax that did not pass last weekend and thanked those who did come out and vote. He spoke about the need to find…

Lake Loot: 11-17-21

6:40 Q: We should but almost half of us don’t know this about ourselves. What is it? A: Blood type Winner: Claire Harvey from Slidell! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: What tourist destination was once known as the Sandwich Islands?  A:  Hawaiian Islands Winner: Sterling and Cecilia from Mandeville! 7:40 Q:  This service was provided twice…

Lake Loot: 11-18-21

6:40 Q: If you are an American you will probably eat THIS 7 times this month. What? A: French Fries Winner: Sarah and Jackson from Slidell! 7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40 Q: The average dad has 5 of these. It is not always good when he uses them. What is it? A: Dad jokes Winner:…

Lake Rewind: Mayor Mark and Pink Friday

Mayor Mark spoke about the fire that destroyed a building last night in downtown Covington. He also spoke about some events coming up, and efforts he is making to help with traffic. Kerry and Natalie came in from Blossom Girl and About Face. They came in to explain Pink Friday, which is this Friday.