Tim brought along Melanie from the STHS Foundation to talk about what the Foundation does for the health system and two events they have coming up.
Christina Cooper came in from Global Wildlife. They are expecting a big Spring and she told us about the improvements they have made at Global.
Ann Ollendike from the Madisonville Garden Club. They have an event coming up this weekend along the waterfront. A plant sale with plenty of vendors, food and stuff for the kids.
Q: What are the top two things we give up for Lent?
A: Chocolate and social media
Winner: No Winner!
7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40
Q: 4 out of 5 kids under the age 16 have never used a _______.
A: Postage stamp
Winner: Juliette Long from Covington!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: Apparently 5 seconds is all you need to do THIS. What?
A: Determine if you like a song
Winner: Charles Drago from Mandeville!