Lake Rewind: Amy Bouton and Mayor Mark

Amy Bouton from St Tammany Parish Government spoke to us about COVID, a new Comprehensive Plan and more. Hear her below. Mayor Mark made his monthly visit to talk about the City of Covington. He talked about traffic, a speeding study and other things going on in the city. Hear him below.

Lake Loot Jan 19, 2021

6:40 Q: 1 in 3 people have done this simply because their spouse asked them to. What? A: Quit their job Winner: No Winner! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: I can’t wait for my kids to go back to school so I can ________. The #1 answer was sleep followed by ________ at #2. What is…

Lake Loot Jan 18, 2021

6:40 Q: Name the last place you’d want to be stuck for a week.  The top three answers were with my in-laws, the airport, and (blank). What? A: A porta-potty Winner: No Winner! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: What’s the biggest cat? A: The tiger Winner: Jack from Covington! 7:40 Q: When people were asked why…

Lake Loot Jan 15, 2021

6:40 Q: 4 out of 5 American homes have a bottle of _________ in their refrigerator right now. What? A: Ranch salad dressing Winner: Shelly Knighton from Slidell! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: Eight out of ten boys leave these intact, but nearly half of girls take them apart. What are they? A: Oreos Winner: Grant…

Lake Loot Jan 14, 2021

6:40 and 7:10 Q: When people were asked to scroll back on their phones and stop at the first vacation photo they came to this location was the one found the most. Where is it? A: Mt. Rushmore Winner: Camden Theriot from Madisonville! 7:40 Q: Although we’d never say it aloud, but almost 50% of…

Lake Rewind: St Tammany Chamber and PWST

We spoke with Megan and Diana from the Professional Women of St Tammany. They are inviting people to vote in an online awards event they have going on. Hear them talk about it below. Noble called in for the St Tammany Chamber of Commerce. We talked about events they have done during this special year,…

Lake Loot Jan 13, 2020

6:40 Q: 1 in 5 people say they hate this sound. What is it? A: The sound of their own voice Winner: No Winner! Q: This afternoon at about 4 o’clock in St Tammany, more than 50% of people in the world will be doing this. A: Sleeping Winner: Jack Lafleur from Mandeville! 7:40 Q:…