Lake Loot Q&A February 13, 2020

6:40 Q: The average person switches their favorite _______ every 4 years.  What is it? A: Their favorite beer! Winner: Randy Ponthieux from Abita! 7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40 Q: 1 in 15 dads have tried unsuccessfully to cook this on the grill. What? A: French fries! Winner: No Winner! 8:40 Q: More than half of…

Carnival in Covington Update

Amy and Larry came in to talk about this event, which continues to grow. There are still places open on the parade floats, you just have to bring your throws and jump on board. Plus Vince Vance will be performing after at the Trailhead. Hear about it below.

Lake Loot Q&A February 11, 2020

6:40 Q: 1 in 6 Millennials have never read one of these. What? A: A paper map! Winner: Gabe Tomasella from Mandeville! 7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40   Q: Even when their parents tell them to, 1 in 3 kids won’t do THIS. What? A: Connect with their parents on social media Winner: No Winner!…