Nick from NAMI
Today Nick spoke about resilience and trying to find coping mechanisms as we work our way through this time. Hear Nick speak about it in the interview below.
Today Nick spoke about resilience and trying to find coping mechanisms as we work our way through this time. Hear Nick speak about it in the interview below.
Jill is running for the Mandeville City Council. This morning she spoke about the diverse district she hopes to represent and some of the issues they face. Hear her in the interview below.
Don went through some of the latest job numbers, which he called a mixed bag in terms of good or bad. He also spoke about job training funds they have for people who are considering a new career.
Chris Masingill went through the latest job numbers and talked about what that means for St Tammany. He also spoke about updates to PPP and he even gave us a shout-out for our new Relevance to Recovery Program for NS Media which you can see HERE.
Amy told us about testing that will begin next week. (It was stopped for the storm.) You can see where and when the testing will happen in this NEWS STORY on our Northshore Media site. Amy also spoke about local facilities that are reopening after the storm. Hear her in the interview below.
Jack manages the cancer treatment options at St Tammany Health System. We talked about the things people typically associate with cancer treatment, and we spoke about a lot of other things they are doing to prevent and help people recover from cancer.
Today Nick spoke about re-socializing kids after a long time away from their peers. He said sports is one way to do it. He spoke about some of the things kids might be feeling as they go back out in to the world. Hear that and more in the interview below.
A relatively new offering for people who want to stay in their homes but might need a little help. Anything from accompanying them on errands, fixing things around the house, or helping out in the house, At Your Service is designed by the people who use it, providing only what you or your loved one…
Parish President Cooper touched on a few issues in today’s talk. He covered COVID, of course. He also spoke about the controversy on social media over the St Tammany Animal Shelter. And he talked about resources in the parish that are reopening after the storm. Hear him in the interview below.
St Tammany Board of Directors Chairman Tom Meyer spoke to us about Explore Northshore, their upcoming Expo. He talked about the legislative session and the bills that they are proud of. And he talked about the importance of voting, among other things. Hear it all in the interview below.