Mike Cooper Update

Parish President Cooper spoke to us this morning about where he sees us in terms of recovery and reopening. He also spoke about how quickly we will be hearing from Gov. Edwards regarding his next move so we need to stay on course. Hear him in the interview below.

Mike Cooper Update and Statement

Mike Cooper spoke to us this morning and then later today they released a statement about the order he signed for tomorrow and what that means going forward. Hear and see them below. HERE IS THE STATEMENT…. Today, St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper announced the draft framework for the Live Safe. Work Safe. Shop…

Nick Richard from NAMI

The head of the National Alliance on Mental Illness visited the studio. Sort of. He stayed outside. Nick talked about the importance of routines and said it was actually good for him to get up and get dressed like he was coming into the studio to do an interview, even though the interview was over…