Northshore Humane Society’s Mutt Monday
Alexandra spoke to us about their current services, which includes “curbside” vet care where you never have to get out of your car. Hear her explain it in the interview below.
Alexandra spoke to us about their current services, which includes “curbside” vet care where you never have to get out of your car. Hear her explain it in the interview below.
Parish President Cooper spoke to us this morning about where he sees us in terms of recovery and reopening. He also spoke about how quickly we will be hearing from Gov. Edwards regarding his next move so we need to stay on course. Hear him in the interview below.
Chris gave us an update on the jobless claims locally. He also spoke about the advisory committee he is heading up for the parish and his work to get the parish back to work. Hear him below.
President Cooper spoke about the new order he signed. Although we are all still supposed to be at home this one has some new aspects to it. Learn about it in the interview below.
Kelly wanted to talk to us today about options the library has to all of us as we go through this crisis. Stuck at home? Their temporary cards can provide a wealth of things online. Hear her explain in the interview below.
Chief Medical Officer Dr Patrick Torcson answered a wide range of questions about COVID 19 and what medical care will look like going forward. Hear what he said in the interview below.
Dawn and Lee shared ideas with us for businesses who are wondering what marketing steps they can take right now. Hear them talk about it in the interview below.
Mayor Cromer and Dr Preston opened themselves up for questions again today. Here is some of that content below.
Mike Cooper spoke to us this morning and then later today they released a statement about the order he signed for tomorrow and what that means going forward. Hear and see them below. HERE IS THE STATEMENT…. Today, St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper announced the draft framework for the Live Safe. Work Safe. Shop…
The head of the National Alliance on Mental Illness visited the studio. Sort of. He stayed outside. Nick talked about the importance of routines and said it was actually good for him to get up and get dressed like he was coming into the studio to do an interview, even though the interview was over…