Lake Rewind: Methodist Children’s Home & Lake Loot

Today Bob, Reverend Beth, and Marlene, the Director of the Methodist Children’s Home, stopped by to talk about the new facility in Robert, that’s almost complete, who and how their programs assist, and ways the community can assist them in their mission, like their upcoming Golf Tournament which could use sponsors and players. For more…

Lake Rewind 6/14/21: Lynette Savoie with STOPS, Cliff Bergeron with A Taste of Covington, and Suzanne Bourgeois & Mark Baham with STARC of La.

Lynette joined us today to discuss the various training that’s currently available to anyone interested in learning more to help identify and assist people who may be considering suicide. She also brought their upcoming 5K in September that could use a sponsor or two. To find out more about the training or how to sponsor…

Lake Rewind: STHS and Lake Loot

Elizabeth and Melonie came in from St Tammany Health System to talk about blood donors and the importance of giving blood. Hear them below. Lake Loot 6-10-21 6:40 Q: Seems low to me but this says the average person goes thru 3 of these a year. What? A: Tubes of toothpaste Winner: Natalie from Slidell!…

Lake Loot: 6-8-21

6:40 Q: Historically this weekend is the slowest weekend of the year for weddings. What is it? A: Super Bowl Weekend Winner: John Poe from Lulling! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: Apparently there’s only one state capital that doesn’t share any letters with the state it’s the capital of. What is it? A: Pierre, South Dakota…

Lake Loot 6-7-21

6:40 Q: It might make you mad to know that THIS costs you about $1,200 a year. What? A: Sitting in traffic Winner: No Winner! 7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40 Q: The average person does this 150 times a month. Adults do it more than kids. What? A: Frown Winner: Teresa Abrams from Madisonville! 8:40…