Lake Loot Q&A September 30, 2020

6:40 Q: 1 in 3 people will refuse to date you if you have a ________. What? A: A roommate Winner: No Winner! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: Americans will waste 24 million of these today. It is a food. What is it? A: Slices of bread Winner: Elise Trahant from Mandeville! 7:40 Q: They’re a…

Lake Loot Q&A September 29, 2020

6:40 Q: According to this survey, THIS is the most stressful thing that can happen to you. What is it? A: Losing your wallet or credit card Winner: No Winner! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: Moms were asked to finish this statement. “I can’t wait for my kids to go back to school so I can…

Lake Loot Q&A September 28, 2020

6:40 Q: If they won’t give me a raise, could my boss at least give me (blank)? The top three answers were more vacation time, free food, and WHAT? A: Nap time Winner: Barbara Stratton from Covington! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: You don’t do this very much after you’re 8 or 9 years old, but…

Lake Loot Q&A September 25, 2020

6:40 Q: People were asked why hasn’t anyone invented a gadget that will do THIS and this was the #1 response. What is it A: A gadget that will automatically pick up dog poop Winner: No Winner! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: The average temperature of __________ is 58 degrees. What? A: The Earth’s surface Winner:…