Lake Rewind: On Location in Mandeville

Mayor Clay Madden came by our broadcast in Mandeville today. He talked about his selection for police chief, the year’s budget, and how the city is looking at buying properties for green spaces. We talked with Living 4 Burke’s Kristen Simpson about a screening they have coming up this weekend. Find out more HERE or…

Lake Loot: July 14, 2021

6:40 Q: Most of the time 1 in 4 motorists have this in common during their morning commute. What is it? A: They’re taking their kids to school Winner: Bobbi Dreiss from Abita! 7:10 Q: In South Korea, if you want to report a crime, you dial 112. To report a fire, you dial 119.…

Lake Loot: July 12, 2021

6:40 and 7:40 Q:  The first U.S. president to have one of these was Ronald Reagan.  What is it? A:  A website Winner: Tracy Glazner from Covington! 8:40 Q: 1 in 3 of us do this while cooking. What is it? A: Listen to music. Winner: Online! 9:40 Q: According to a survey by eHarmony, the most dateable…

Lake Rewind: STHS, Habitat and NTCC

Melanie and Ashley came in with Tim from STHS to talk about The Gala and some steps being taken at the new cancer center to address food insecurity among those seeking cancer treatment. Leighanne from Habitat shared a bunch of information, including the start for their upcoming Women Build, and what’s going on right now…

Lake Loot 7-6-2021

6:40 Q:  8% of women have used this excuse for being late for work?A: Wardrobe malfunction Winner: NONE! 7:10 – 7:40 Q: 27% of parents say they would do this if they thought their kids wouldn’t catch them? A: Wear their clothes Winner: Wanda Horton from Slidell!!! 8:40 – Online Q: 17% of people say…

Lake Rewind: STHS and Mande Milkshakers

Anne joined Tim from STHS to tell us about the new Be Well Bus. They are planning to use this new resource in a variety of ways. Hear her explain below. Erin came in from the Mande Milkshakers to talk about their upcoming parade in Mandeville. Hear her talk about it below.

Lake Loot: 7-1-21

6:40 Q: Top life changes we made during the Pandemic; give me the top 3. What are they? A: 1. Adopted a pet; Renovated your house/apartment/condo; Bought a car or motorcycle or bike Winner: No Winner! 7:40 Q: When this happens, men are responsible 90% of the time. What? A: Marriage Proposals Winner: Sheila McGuire…