Lake Loot Q & A February 19, 2020

6:40 Q: If we have trouble sleeping almost half of us will blame THIS. What? A: Pets Winner: Cat Decossas from Abita! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: Kids were asked if you couldn’t have a dog, cat, fish, or bird, THIS would be the pet you would want. THIS surprising answer was the fourth most popular…

Amy Bouton with STPG

Amy updated us on things going on with parish government, including a flood control study, a special pet adoption event, and an effort by the SBA to help those affected by the algae bloom last summer. Hear her in the interview below.

Lake Loot Q&A February 18, 2020

6:40 Q: My neighbors can borrow anything except (blank). The top 3 responses were_______? A: Money, Car, and vacuum cleaner Winner: Lindsey Rogers from Mandeville! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: The average parent will say THIS over 500 times this year. What? A: Hurry Up Winner: Emma Gauthier from Covington! 7:40 Q: If they won’t give…

Lake Loot Q & A February 17, 2020

6:40 Q: A woman is the #1 cause of fistfights in America. What’s #2? A: A parking space Winner: No Winner! 7:10 Kids Loot Q: The average temperature of __________ is 58 degrees. A: The Earth’s surface Winner: Camden and Corey Anne from Pearl River! 7:40 Q: The sexiest thing about someone is _________. Almost…