For Family Promise we spoke to Heather Levin and board member Kim Carver. They talked about the Family Promise mission and some of the things they are working on now.

Monique was here from NAMI. She spoke about some of their free classes that are signing up now. She also spoke about a free online counseling option.

Slidell Mayor Greg Cromer was here to talk about what’s going on in his city.

Q: If you experience THIS in Florida experts say it will most likely be during a September afternoon. What is it?
A: Shark attack
Winner: Natalie from Mandeville!
Q: Close to half of us do THIS at every meal, although it is a number that is coming down. What is it?
A: Salt our food
Winner: Dawn Hope from Slidell!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: We think of THIS as a toy for kids but 7 in 10 adults can’t make it work. What is it?
A: A yo-yo
Winner: Christie Secondine from Slidell!