Job Numbers from Don Shea of Tri Parish Works
Don updated us with the latest number of jobless claims through the weekend. He also spoke about a few places that are hiring. Hear him below.
Don updated us with the latest number of jobless claims through the weekend. He also spoke about a few places that are hiring. Hear him below.
Bradley told us about their new practices and ways they have adapted to the pandemic. You can hear what he had to say about it in the interview below.
Trooper Levy spoke about how they are managing the COVID crisis. He also talked about keeping an eye out for scammers. Hear him in the interview below.
Teresa Abram told us about some free meals their church does. Every Monday, all are welcome to come by for a free meal. Hear her talk about it below.
DOTD says there will be alternating single lane closures on LA 21 (S Tyler St.), between 13th Ave. and US 190B (W 21st Ave.), beginning Monday night, March 30, thru Thursday night, April 9, between the hours of 8:00 PM and 5:00 AM each night. This is to allow the Contractor to continue overlay the…
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was designed to combat the economic and health crisis brought about from the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The Act includes a wide range of actions; including offering forgivable loans to small businesses that maintain payroll, providing direct payment to individuals and families, instituting economic relief for distressed…
The Louisiana Department of Health says as of yesterday we had 3,540 cases reported from 2,932 state tests and 24,939 commercial tests. 151 people have now died from the Coronavirus. 1,127 COVID patients are in hospitals, 380 of them require ventilators. Orleans Parish has 1,350 cases reported and 73 deaths have occurred there. There are…
Louisiana DOTD says there will be left lane closures on I-55 Northbound near the Ponchatoula Exit (Mile Point 26) Sunday through Saturday, beginning Monday, March 30, through Friday, April 10, from 7 PM to 3 PM, weather permitting, while crews remove existing light poles within the median area. Traffic will be maintained through the work…
We will be talking about this on Monday morning… Here is the link to sign up….
Chip called in from Rapid Urgent Care and we spoke with Dr Gruezke about COVID 19. He spoke about regular patients coming to their clinic and said they have corona virus tests available under certain circumstances.