Amy Bouton from St Tammany Health System brought in Emily Pupo to talk about steps you can take now to remove some decision making burdens from your loved ones.
Karley Fontenot came in from Southeastern’s Foundation to talk about Southeastern Giving Day, which is September 13. This is an online event that gives supporters a chance to direct money to specific causes on campus.
Q: The average person will have this happen to them about 5 times over their lifetime, although it is a lot harder to do it now. What is it?
A: Locks their keys in the car
Winner: No Winner!
7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40
Q: The average American eats 26 pounds of this every year. What?
A: Pasta
Winner: Brady Mills from Madisonville!
Q: This sport will cause more than $350 million in medical injuries this year
A: Pickleball
Winner: Grant Waters from Covington!
Q: This is banned in plenty of schools but legal in all 50 states. What?
A: Peanuts/peanut butter
Winner: Jennifer Dauzat from Slidell!