From STHS we had Tim, Khalilah, and Lindsay to talk about the importance of early detection with cancer.
Shannon Hattier came in from the Specialty Courts from the 22nd JDC. She explained what the courts do and why they are important.
Chris and Caitlin joined us to talk about the new podcast that tells the story of their father. Bruce Cucchiara’s unsolved murder is feautred on Counter Clock, a national powerhouse podcast that devoted an entire season to this story.
Q: It takes us less than FIVE SECONDS to decide if we like THIS. What?
A: A song
Winner: Garret from Covington!
Q: There were almost none, then about two years ago there were 10,000 of these in the U.S. Now there are WAY more than that and no sign of stopping anytime soon. What is it?
A: traffic circles
Winner: Christi from Bush!
Q: This runs on about 20 watts of power, about the same as the lightbulb in your fridge. What is it?
A: Your brain
Winner: Marge Harris from Ponchatoula!