From STHS we started with Dr Massey, who spoke about cold and flu prevention. Then Dr Terral, who is a hand surgeon, explained his practice and the type of work he does.

NAMI SELA has a Mental Health First Aid class and they have a few free ones coming up. This class helps people who are dealing with individuals in a mental health crisis. Gladys and Dominic told us all about it.

Q: Keep it clean! 1 in 3 men talk about THIS daily. What?
A: Their car/truck
Winner: Tina and Tony from Mandeville!
7:10 Kids Loot
Q: The guy who invented cotton candy was a ________. What?
A: A dentist
Winner: Thomas from Mandeville!
Q: 1 in 6 of us haven’t washed THIS in the past 6 months. What is it?
A: A bathrobe
Winner: Virginia from Mandeville!