STHS sent in Amy Bouton and Dr. Linda Keefer to talk about wellness visits for kids and the different illnesses kids are facing this time of year.

Julie came in from COAST to introduce her replacement at executive director. Amy Kudel told us about her background and why she wanted to run COAST.

The Avery Natal Memorial Scholarship Foundation is funded by events like the one happening this weekend. Hear Monique, Mike and Charles talk about the event and the work the foundation does in Avery’s name.

6:40, 7:40
Q: Men are more likely to do THIS than women in the workplace.
A: Lie on their resume
Winner: Makayla from Pearl River!
Q: 1 in 3 kids say THIS is the worst thing about riding with their parents. What?
A: When they yell at other drivers
Winner: Camden Heintz from Mandeville!