From STHS Amy Bouton brought in Cheryl Barre, a lactation specialist. August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month and Cheryl talked about how they help young mothers.
Alex was in from the City of Slidell. He spoke about Linen and Lagniappe. He also brought along a member of the Slidell Antique Association board, Kendra, who spoke about Umbrella Alley, which will have its Grand Opening this Saturday at 6 pm.
Peter from Out To Lunch on NPR is doing a Lunch and Learn for WYES at Pat Gallagher’s on August 24 at 11:30. Get tickets through the WYES website.
6:40 and 7:40
Q: 1 in 20 people have never been to this summer destination. What?
A: To a public pool
Winner: Janice Jones from Lacombe!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: We eat 200 of these per year. What?
A: Cookies
Winner: Laura Culpepper from Abita!