From STHS we spoke to Amy and Burt about the upcoming Man Up health screening event that is going on Friday at the Covington Beer Garden. Find out more in the interview below.

Alex was here from the City of Slidell. He told us about a couple of things they have coming up, including an art exhibit opening and a white linen evening in Olde Towne Slidell.

Q: About 1 in 10 newly married men will do THIS within a year of the wedding. What?
A: Lose their wedding ring
Winner: No Winner!
Q: People were asked what regular word they have the most trouble spelling. What was the top response?
A: Definitely
Winner: Lynne from Mandeville!
Q: People were asked what do you want to be buried with? What were the top 3 responses?
A: Pics of family, pets ashes, a shovel
Winner: Madison from Abita!