Jackie and Jillian came in from St Tammany Library. They have some new programming underway and they are hosting a design contest for their library cards for their 75th anniversary.

Jonathan Frazier came in the studio to tell everyone about ForeFront360, which he says will greatly help in the insurance industry in Louisiana. He is a finalist for the NSpire Startup Slam.

Onega joined us to talk about QMS2GO. They are one of the three finalists for the NSpire Startup Slam. She told us about efforts to improve quality management through AI.

6:40 and 7:40
Q: Wanna be popular for Dirty Santa? These are the two items that people WANT to find.
A: Alcohol and scratch off tix
Winner: Anna from Mandeville!
Q: I know you know what it was this year, but THIS was one the hottest Christmas gift of the mid 1970’s. What?
A: Pet Rock
Winner: Erin from Mandeville!