Jackie, Jillian and Jenny were here from St Tammany Library. All of their Fall programming has kicked off or is about to.
Melissa and Tommy were here from the St Tammany Parish Fair. There are some deadlines approaching for people who want to be involved in certain parts of the fair.
Chris Masingill spoke to us about some awards they recently won and the current state of the economy on the Northshore.
Q: This was originally invented by a German orthopedic surgeon in the 1800’s. What is it?
A: Chainsaw (to cut jaws!)
Winner: Christian from Folsom!
7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40
Q: The average family has 300 disagreements a year. What was the #1 thing they fight about?
A: Kids refusing to put down gadgets and talk
Winner: Andrew from Mandeville!
Q: More than half of all women say THIS is their husband’s worst habit. What?
A: Channel surfing
Winner: Sue from Ponchatoula!