Alex was here to talk about Northshore Humane Society. They have some events coming up and they still need volunteers to foster their dogs.

Sarada spoke to us about upcoming events in the City of Covington.

Q: About half of us fondly remember THIS about our first car. What?
A: license plate number
Winner: No Winner!
7:10 Kids Loot
Q: Soup was listed as kids fave comfort food when they are sick. What is the second most popular comfort food?
A: Spaghetti and meatballs
Winner: Natalie from Mandeville!
Q: About 1 in 4 American adults have at least one of these. What?
A: A tattoo
Winner: Rob Palermo from Covington!
Q: What famous piece of apparel was invented by a 15-year old boy?
A: Earmuffs
Winner: Deanna Sisti from Pearl River!