Gladys was here from NAMI Southeast Louisiana. She spoke about combining the two chapters of the non-profit and some of the services they are now offering.

Fire Chief Chris Kaufman joined Sonja from United Way SELA to talk about the East St Tammany Red Beans and Rice Cook Off. It is this Monday from 11 until 2 at Slidell’s Municipal Auditorium.

Q: Typically, women worry and stress about this at night, while men worry and stress about it in the morning. What is it?
A: Money
Winner: Stacy from Covington!
Q: If you want to change the subject in a conversation, discreetly do THIS and make it look accidental. What?
A: Drop something
Winner: No Winner!
Q: About 1 in 3 Americans don’t know this basic fact about themselves. What is it?
A: Their blood type
Winner: Debra from Covington!