Mayor Mark came in from the City of Covington. He talked about the new roundabout being constructed in downtown Covington. He also updated us on upcoming local events.

The Slidell Street is back for the 47th time in Olde Towne Slidell, brought to you by the Slidell Antique Association. Melissa Madere told us all about it.

Q: The chance of this happening to you is 1 in 9 quintillion. What?
A: Filling out a perfect NCAA tournament bracket
Winner: Jeff Babbin from Madisonville!
7:10 Kids Loot
Q: Three ships were commissioned by the White Star Line that included the Titanic. Name one of the other two.
A: RMS Olympic, RMS Titanic and RMS Britannic
Winner: Andrew Talamo from Mandeville!
7:40, 8:40 and 9:40
Q: The top 5 topics guys consider off-limits on a first date. List 3 of the top 5.
A: Your ex; Shopping/high-end brands they love; Politics; The ‘have you ever … ?’ game; Your daily gripes and complaints
Winner: No Winner!