Larry and Cathy came in looking for contestants for their Gala, which will feature an “America’s Got Talent” kind of show. Find out more in the interview below.
Don Shea came in from Tri-Parish Works to discuss the latest job numbers. He also talked about some events they have coming up.
6:40 and 7:40
Q: Seems a little long to me but a poll found 2 and a half hours is the ideal length of time for THIS. What?
A: A first date
Winner: Liz Douglas from Slidell!
Q: A third of Americans now own one of these. Surprisingly, there are more women than men who have one. What is it?
A: A tattoo
Winner: Rosealyn Smith from Slidell!
Q: The average American spends just over $150 a month on THIS?
A: Impulse purchases
Winner: Margaret Watson from Mandeville!