Bethany talked about Junior League of Greater Covington and their Sugar Plum Market, which is coming up December 6.

Nick Richard came in from NAMI. Their Christmas Angels collects items for people in mental health or substance abuse facilities during Christmas. He also spoke about a training for Mental Health First Aid.

Cleveland Wester spoke to us about the Santa Breakfasts which are coming up. He also reminded our listeners about the work Youth Service Bureau does on the NS.

Q: It’s gift buying time. Every year there is a hot toy. Well, 20 years ago, THIS was the big gift. What was it?
A: Barbie
Winner: Rose from Covington!
7:10 Kids Loot
Q: Most older people use this product and don’t even think about it. But now 1 in 3 people under the age of 30 don’t use THIS product. What is it?
A: Bar soap
Winner: Stephanie at Pearl River!
Q: During this time of the year, THIS is happening to Americans more than 150 times a day. What is it?
A: Someone falls off a ladder putting up Christmas lights
Winner: No Winner!