Helmut Portmann has a book signing at the Mandeville Barnes and Noble this weekend. He told us about his past and his new book.

Jim Winter and Ralph Wood were to talk about Fanfare at Southeastern and the Columbia Theatre.

Q: This was first seen in Georgia almost 70 years ago. Now you see them everywhere. What?
A: A Waffle House
Winner: Charlene from Madisonville!
Q: This country has more coastline than any other. What is it?
A: Canada
Winner: Ava from Abita!
Q: A little over 50% of women say they do this much better than their husband. What is it?
A: Mowing the lawn
Winner: Casey from Goodbee!
Q: 1 in 4 people will hide this from their partner. What?
A: A traffic ticket
Winner: Elizabeth from Covington!