Frank Jabbia, Superintendent of St Tammany Schools, stopped by for his monthly interview. He spoke about how quickly the year is going, improvements at local schools, and keeping kids safe.

Millie Mattered is a non-profit dedicated to fighting the opioid epidemic in our community. Ruth spoke about the loss of her grandson. She also told us about an event this weekend.

Arden was here from Playmakers. She told us about their latest production, which starts this weekend.

6:40 and 7:40
Q: 1 in 3 people say this is something they will NEVER do when eating out. What is it?
A: Share a dish/plate with someone
Winner: Brandon Green from LaPlace!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: Scientists expect this to trend slightly upward every decade for most Americans, but a new study says it might be dropping for the first time in almost a century. What is it?
A: Our IQ
Winner: Emily Madere from Mandeville!