Michael Vinsanau was here from St Tammany Parish Government. He gave us updates on infrastructure projects, drainage, litter abatement, and animal services.

Scott McWilliams was here to talk about the True Wealth Advisors Crawfish Cookin’ for a Cause, which is this weekend on the Mandeville Lakefront. Hear about how they help two different non-profits in the interview below.

Abby and Mike talked about their Leadership Northshore project, which is called Kids in Development. They are having a Kids Fest this weekend, which will include all kinds of activities and proceeds will go toward providing car seats for families around Slidell.

Q: Parents have used this food, more than any other, as an incentive to get their kids to do something. What is the food?
A: ice cream
Winner: Ken Boroughs from Folsom!
7:10 Kids Loot
Q: What word begins with E and ends with E, but only has one letter?
A: Envelope
Winner: No Winner!
Q: The odds of finding one of these is 1 in 10,000. What is it?
A: Four-leaf clover
Winner: Will Larsen from Mandeville!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: 40 years ago, 4 out of 5 US households had one of these in the kitchen. Today, only about 3% do. What is it?
A: A popcorn popper
Winner: Julie Bolyard from Mandeville!