We spoke to Stephanie about Chat and Chill. This is a new group supported by the Methodist Church in Slidell for singles in their 40’s and 50’s.
From Northshore Kiwanis we had Cindy who wanted to remind everyone to come to their Pancake Breakfast, which supports their mission year-round.
Shane was here to talk about some events coming up for OMBA including their Sips for the Season and the Christmas Past Festival.
Q: According to experts yesterday was the last safe day to do THIS. What?
A: Eat your Thanksgiving leftovers
Winner: Gabriella from Slidell!
Q Most work parties have now ditched THIS. What?
A: Mistletoe
Winner: Grant from Madisonville!
Q: 1 in 5 millennials remember these catchy lyrics from television. What are they?
A: Lyrics to “Fresh Prince” TV theme
Winner: Jerry from Slidell!