Don Shea was here from Tri-Parish Works. He spoke about the latest economic numbers and some events they have coming up.

Courtney Elzey came in from Leadership Northshore to talk about a pickleball tournament. The funds they raise from this project will be used to help local mental health agencies.

Q: Supposedly every one of these is either red, green, blue or black. What are they?
A: Passport covers
Winner: Charlotte from Slidell!
Q: If you’re an average family, this will happen at least 10 times while on your summer vacation. What is it?
A: You’ll hear the phrase “Are we there yet?”
Winner: James from Mandeville!
Q: 1 in 3 parents plan to pass this down to their children. What is it?
A: A family recipe
Winner: Kim from Covington!
Q: People do THIS more consistently in the winter than they do in the summer. What is THIS?
A: Attend work
Winner: No Winner!