Baileigh was here from STOPS to talk about One Step at a Time, their run/walk coming up this weekend. The STOPS 5K Walk/Run will be Saturday, September 10, at the Abita Springs Trailhead. Onsite registration begins at 7:00 am, the 1 Mile Fun Run begins at 8:00 am, and the 5K begins at 8:30 am. Online registration at www.getmeregistered.com/stops or call (985) 237-5506.

Julie and Jorie were here from COAST to talk about their Resource Festival coming up.This Tailgate will be Thursday, October 6 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Castine Center at Pelican Park. Transportation can be scheduled through COAST. All ride requests need to be scheduled a week beforehand, by September 29th for the Resource Festival. Call (985) 327-0185 to schedule. Rides are based upon availability. For more information visit our website events page www.coastseniors.org/events or contact COAST at 985-892-0377 during office hours: 7:30am – 4:00pm.

Q: Working out can affect your mood in a positive way for hours afterward. But so can THIS. What is it?
A: Totally cleaning your house
Winner: Bryce Loisel from Mandeville!
7:10 Kids Loot
Q: Kids headed back to school were asked to name their favorite part of the summer break. What was the top answer?
A: Sleeping in
Winner: Angela Garland from Madisonville!
7:40, 8:40 and 9:40
Q: Studies suggest we would be healthier and happier if we could totally avoid this for one month. What?
A: The news
Winner: Kieran Ginesi from Mandeville!