Anne and Caitlin came in from St Tammany Health System. They told us about some new lung cancer awareness events and Caitlin shared her story about her family’s experience with lung cancer.

Ricky was here to talk about Ozone Music Festival. they have four stages with free performances across Mandeville for both Saturday and Sunday.

Dr. Brent Wallis from Primary Care Plus spoke to us about their Customer Appreciation Day. This Monday afternoon they are opening up their clinic for everyone to come by.

6:40 and 7:40
Q: About 1 in 3 people will never have THIS. What?
A: Wisdom teeth
Winner: Krissy from Madisonville!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: Four out of ten people have secretly done THIS at work. What is it?
A: Adjust the thermostat
Winner: Tracy from Covington!