Our guests from St Tammany Health System were Terry Compton and Kelly Braud. They wanted to talk about diabetes prevention and treatment.
Betsy Smith is an attorney who works with children on behalf of the state. She talked about fostering and adoption and why it is so important.
Marlo Christensen came in from the Children’s Museum of St Tammany. Their Boo Bash is this Sunday from 1 until 3:30. Tickets are online at cmstkids.org or $20 at the gate.
Q: Most shoppers will use one of these when they do their holiday shopping. What?
A: A cell phone
Winner: Lisa Allison from Covington!
7:40, 8:40 and 9:40
Q: 1 out of 4 forty-year olds say they have never done this. It isn’t the only reason but it can be very expensive. What is it?
A: Get married
Winner: Michelle Carbonneau from Natalbany!