We talked to Tim and Yvette from STHS. April is Autism Awareness Month and they spoke to us about efforts they are making to improve their interactions with people on the spectrum.
Coast Executive Director Julie Agan came in to talk about some events coming up. She also spoke about their new center in Madisonville.
Joel wanted to publicize the Covington Rotary’s Quack-A-Falaya, which is this weekend. There is a river clean up in addition to the rubber duck race.
Q: 1 in 5 of us say this belongs in the fridge. The rest put it in the pantry. What is it?
A: Peanut butter
Winner: Jackie Welch from Mandeville!
7:10 Kids Loot and 7:40
Q: What are you looking least forward to this spring and summer? The top answer from boys was _______?
A: Mowing the yard
Winner: Gabby from Covington!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: You’ll do this four or five times per year online. What?
A: Self diagnose medical problem
Winner: No Winner!