Erin Strain came in from St Tammany Health System and she brought Dr. Emily Kamen. Dr. Kamen works with cancer patients and specializes in the neck and head areas.
Alex came in to talk about the City of Slidell. They have a ton of things happening around Christmas. He ran through the llist of free events.
Q: 4 out of 5 of us have at least ONE of these, sometimes we don’t talk about it, sometimes we scream it out loud. What is it?
A: A phobia
Winner: Jordan Brown from Covington!
7:10 Kids Loot
Q: Lions, camels and elephants were all here at the very beginning. What is it?
A: They were the live animals in the first Macy Day Parade in New York City
Winner: Joseph Untz from Covington!
Q: We have more of THIS in our diet more than any other country on earth. What is it?
A: Orange juice
Winner: No Winner!