Anne Pablovich was here from St Tammany Health System. She wanted to explain what Healthier Northshore is up to. They are doing a community health needs assessment and are looking for your feedback.

Sarada was here from the City of Covington. Sparks in the Park is this Saturday. There will be music, food, drink and plenty of fireworks.

Q: Just over half of us have lost THIS at work within the last six months. What is it?
A: Our temper
Winner: Noelle from Covington!
Q: A new study in Japan found that watching THIS boosts our mental health and generally makes us happier. What is it?
A: Sports
Winner: Christi from Bush!
Q: This is the #1, most used, salad topping. What is it?
A: Cheese
Winner: Denice from Robert!