STHS sent in Erin Strain and Jay Morange. They have a United in Pink event this Friday night at the Covington Beer Garden.
Sarah Federer came in to talk about the Bluesberry Festival, which is this weekend in downtown Covington.
Josh Allison is running for the Louisiana House of Representatives. He told us about his platform, and outlined what he would do if he’s sent to Baton Rouge.
Q: We used to not fess up to it but it is a number that continues to drop. By now only about 10% of people claim they have never done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Googled themselves
Winner: Mark Morgan from Madisonville!
Q: Americans say having two of these is not enough. What is it?
A: Two vacations a year
Winner: Wes Favaloro from Mandeville!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: Statistically speaking Sunday afternoon is the best time to do THIS, although realistically it is also the worst time to do it. What is it?
A: Send a work email
Winner: No Winner!