Amy Bouton came in from St Tammany Health System to talk about events they have coming up.

For our 10 at 10 we had the President and CEO of St Tammany Health System, Joan Coffman. She spoke about some new efforts they are making when it comes to medical offerings on the Northshore.

Q: The top two things we want out of a hotel are ________ and ________. What?
A: Fast wi-fi and a big bed
Winner: Finn and Vivian from Slidell!
Q: May is the most popular month of the year to take on this monumental task. What?
A: Climb Mount Everest
Winner: Margaret from Slidell!
Q: Three of out 10 pet owners have one of these or plan on buying one of these for their pets. What is it?
A: Pet Stroller
Winner: Michelle from Tickfaw!