Mayor Mark rattle off a whole bunch of infrastructure work the City of Covington is doing. Then he ran through all the events happening in the near future.

Dr. Ben Redwine came in to Swingtime in Springtime. The event it April 21 at 2 pm at the Fuhrmann. Five musicians will play and talk about the history of jazz.

Matt and Brian came in to talk about the 3rd Annual Crawfish Cook-off for the Corps. It is April 27 at the Yacht Club. Find out more in the interview below.

Q: For Americans this was invented in the late 1950’s and is probably in your pantry right now. What is it?
A: Ramen noodles
Winner: Harper Price from Madisonville!
7:40, 9:40
Q: A neuroscientist says you should be spending 30 minutes a day doing THIS if you want to keep your brain sharp. What?
A: Scrolling on social media
Winner: Amanda McCormick from Lacombe!