Louis Fitzmorris was here to talk about something new that can help veterans with their taxes.
DA Warren Montgomery was in the studio. He spoke to us about retaining good prosecutors, technology used in his office and more.
Pamela Fisher came in to talk about Catfish, Corndogs and Cornhole, which is this weekend in Madisonville.
Chris Masingill spoke to us from Baton Rouge, where he is meeting with lawmakers. He talked about the new economic numbers and what they mean for St Tammany.
Q: If you don’t do it when you are supposed to, then it’ll probably be almost two days before you get back to it. What is it?
A: Dirty dishes
Winner: Zoey Silva from Folsom!
Q: It really is a thing. Just under 1% of the US population won’t touch THIS. What?
A: Money
Winner: Kevin Ragas from Covington!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: In this survey almost half of all women said THIS was more important than looks. What?
A: Smarts/Education
Winner: No Winner!