Heather Levin came in from Family Promise to talk about four families they have moved through their program and are now housed on the Northshore.

Nick Richard from NAMI came by to talk about some work they are doing with Gavin Jobe from Meribo. They have a special event coming up tomorrow night. Nick also talked about the new podcast they are doing called Neighborhood NAMI.

Slidell Mayor Greg Cromer spoke to us about some events this weekend in Slidell. He spoke about the refinished community pool and splashpad. He also mentioned a raise for city employees next year.

6:40 and 7:40
Q: Experts say THIS is one of the most overlooked spots when it comes to germs in the workplace. What is it?
A: Elevator buttons
Winner: Camille from Mandeville!
8:40 and 9:40
Q: 200,000 college students now do this to make extra money. What is it?
A: ?????
Winner: No Winner; we’ll try it again at 6:40 on Thursday