Family Promise’s David Horchar came in to talk about what they do and how they help homeless families. David gave some stats on 2022 and spoke about the importance of securing my church congregations to house the homeless.

Nick Richard from NAMI came to see us to talk about their programs being held in person once again. He also spoke about our young people being in crisis and some resources for them and parents.

Mayor Greg Cromer came in to give his monthly update on the City of Slidell. He talked about upcoming projects involving recreation and traffic. He also talked about Mardi Gras.

Q: If you choose to do THIS, you’ll do it for right at 12 minutes. What is it?
A: Chew a stick of gum
Winner: Gavin from Covington!
Q: Almost half of us agree that THIS should be banned on airlines. What is it?
A: Reclining seats
Winner: Nicole from Covington!
Q: My biggest regret in life is _________? What was the #1 response to that question?
A: Not travelling more
Winner: Dayna from Slidell!