Boo Fest is this weekend and Dr. Carlin stopped by to tell us about it. This event is a huge draw and brings together kids of all abilities to trick or treat and do other fun activities alongside Lakeview Hospital.

For Men Who Cook we had Sheriff Randy Smith, Heather Rietschel, and Dr. Matthew Bernard. They spoke about the importance of Hope House and what they are doing for the event.

Mayor Clay Madden spoke about the symphony event going on along the lakefront this weekend. The Ozone Songwriters is next weekend. He also spoke about Our Lady of the Lake’s Festival on the Lake.

Chris Masingill from St Tammany Corporation told us about recent job numbers and he also talked about a pitch contest they have coming up.

6:40 and 7:40
Q: As we head toward the holidays 1 in 3 people say they will get mad when they do THIS over the next 60 days. What is it?
A: Forget where they hid a present
Winner: Jody Brandt from Slidell!
Q: Researchers suggest THIS makes you less productive, but you might not care. What is it?
A: Being in love
Winner: Allie Smith from Mandeville!
Q: We first saw THIS in New York City more than 120 years ago. What is it?
A: An escalator
Winner: No Winner!